Deborah Rivera Interiors holds to a standard of full transparency and disclosure with respect to our relationships with advertisers, partners, and affiliates. The content presented on this website is in full compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s policies for media disclosure.


Deborah Rivera Interiors occasionally participates in affiliate programs with online vendors. Links originating from the content published on this website that lead to the purchase of goods or services at affiliate sites may result in a small compensation with no cost to the purchaser.


Within the social media channels owned and maintained by Deborah Rivera Interiors including but not limited to Facebook, Houzz, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, in the event where we have received a product for the purposes of review, financial compensation, or any other form of compensation, the published content will be identified as being an advertisement or a sponsored post.


For additional information about the Federal Trade Commission’s regulations concerning the use of endorsements in testimonials refer to 16 CFR § 255.5.